AceOfShades Posting Into Infinity |
 Right Where It Belongs
Sexe:  Inscrit le: 21 Nov 2002 Messages: 6698 Sujets: 88 Age: 38 Localisation: Hull, Québec, Canada 
sculler Posting Into Infinity |
 a monkey on a bike
Sexe:  Inscrit le: 29 Avr 2002 Messages: 13364 Sujets: 220 Age: 47 Localisation: Grenoble 
Paradoxal Dream Modérateur |
 LEGEN - wait for it - DARY
Sexe:  Inscrit le: 24 Aôu 2002 Messages: 9973 Sujets: 298 Age: 38 Localisation: Gatineau, QC 
 Concernant le remastering 5.1 de The Fragile dont il parle depuis 5 ans
Trent Reznor a écrit: |
Yeah, we've done a lot of the work for that. Really what it's come down to is with all the other stuff going on, the Fragile thing in particular, I want to make sure I get it right. You know, we've mixed everything in surround, it sounds amazing, we have a great package ready to go. I just stumbled across 40-or-so demos that are from that era that didn't turn into songs, that range from sound effects to full-fledge pieces of music, and I kind of feel like - something should happen with that.
And I think it has something to do with that package, and I just need the bandwidth to kind of calmly think about it, and decide how much effort I want to devote into that and what to do with it. I have a lot of ideas that could eat up immense amounts of time and I'm trying to weigh out - just think it through. I don't want to pull the trigger on something and go, 'Man, I should have done it in this way.' And I just haven't had a chance to be in a calm place where I can think it through completely and make that decision. |
Arrrrrgh je veux!!
_________________ J'interchangerai les couleurs et déplacerai les étés pour dilater mes humeurs et mieux respirer.
pince Webmaster |
 shadok croisé chat noir
Sexe:  Inscrit le: 09 Mar 2002 Messages: 5475 Sujets: 267 Age: 46 Localisation: A l'ouest 
Kikeo Posting Into Infinity |
Sexe:  Inscrit le: 24 Oct 2003 Messages: 7482 Sujets: 129 Age: 37 Localisation: Zurich 
Il nous refait le coup de 2009
Paradoxal Dream, il y a 6 ans et demi a écrit: |
La rumeur voudrait que le "nouveau" NIN soit une réédition de The Fragile, qui a célébré récemment son 10eme anniversaire dans le silence.
(Et je reviens sur mon post dans le thread de Steven Wilson pour saliver à l'idée d'une version surround :bave:) |
_________________ "Crois en toi avant de croire en qui que ce soit"