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Inscrit le: 09 Mar 2002
Messages: 5475
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Age: 46
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05 Mar 2008 15:0605 Mar 2008 15:06
MessageSujet: [MP] Turtlehead

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The March 14 episode of Fuse TV's "Talking Metal on Fuse" will include a "Fuse Jam" featuring Mike Portnoy of dt.gif on drums, Frank Bello of ANTHRAX on bass and Bobby Blitz of OVERKILL on vocals. This one-time lineup (jokingly named "TURTLEHEAD") is joined by hosts Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy on guitar for a version of the MOTÖRHEAD classic "Overkill".

For more information, click here.

"Talking Metal on Fuse" is the show which brings the number-one heavy metal/hard rock podcast on iTunes to television. Hosted by Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy — the ultimate metal geeks and hard rock aficionados — the program provides a unique perspective and insider's view into the world of metal and hard rock music. Guitarist "Metal" Mike Chlasciak, who is known for his work with HALFORD, SEBASTIAN BACH, TESTAMENT and his own outfit PAINMUSEUM, scored and recorded the music theme for "Talking Metal on Fuse", which airs regularly on Friday nights at midnight EST/9:00 p.m. PST.


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